Learning About Glass Replacement Options

A Simple Residential Window Guide

If you have the same mindset as most other homeowners do, then there is a very good chance that you give little thought to your windows beyond cleaning them when they look dirty. However, the more you learn about residential glass, the better off you can find yourself in many ways. Here is a simple guide on residential glass to help you out: You can have special windows installed to help winterize your home. Read More 

3 Features To Look For When Hiring A Company To Replace Your Car’s Windshield

Driving around with a cracked or otherwise damaged windshield is dangerous, and can cause harm to not only your vehicle and yourself, but to others who might be driving in the vicinity. It's important to have your old or damaged windshield replaced, but that doesn't mean that you have to be inconvenienced by the task. Here are a few features you should look for when it comes time to hire a company to replace your car's windshield: Read More 

3 Things You Need To Start A Mirror Installation Business

A mirror plays an important role in ensuring that your house remains positive. Feng Shui can tell you where to place mirrors to bring in positive energy. However, they are more than a symbol of peace but serves a function in most homes. You have heard the saying "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime" Read More 

Work Towards Offering A Handicap Accessible Vacation Rental With A New Shower Door

Running a vacation rental is something that you may love doing because of all the interesting people that you get to meet that come from different places around the world. You may have made improvements over time to increase your daily rate and to accommodate more people. If you plan on continuing these upgrades, you should consider handicap accessibility. Adding a new shower door will allow you to make sure it accommodates handicapped guests. Read More 

Broken Thermal Seals: What Homeowner’s Need To Know

If you're a homeowner, there's a very good chance that you'll need to repair broken thermal seals on your windows at some point. Fortunately, this is a relatively simple and inexpensive repair, but it's still something you'll need to be aware of. By knowing how to identify a broken thermal seal and what your repair options are, you can continue to get the most out of your residential windows. How to Identify a Broken Thermal Seal Read More